Meeting Hall

Make every meeting a successful event

The Valdenza Hotel has a discreet charm and a wide range of services dedicated to business. It is the ideal setting for any type of events, from international conferences to seminars, from usual meetings to more reserved meetings.

Hotel Valdenza can meet all your needs

  • Business Professional Staff: Due to the constant presence and cooperation of our dedicated, multilingual and professional staff, you can plan and organize every type of meeting.
  • Meeting Room: Our meeting room is fully equipped for all your needs and can accommodate events up to 100 people with theater setup, 40 horseshoe shaped or boardroom style.
  • Coffee breaks and business lunch: check with our Food & Beverages manager an accurate and personalized catering service for coffee breaks and lunches.
  • Easily accessible: the hotel is in a privileged location close to the fairgrounds of Parma and Reggio Emilia, a few meters from the A1 motorway exit Terre di Canossa / Campegine‘.

To contact the meetings and conferences office:

  • tel 0522 . 676675
  • fax 0522 . 676718



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